So my birthday this year fell on an Easter Sunday. Yup! And I just had a pre-celebration with some friends. First off, with my friend Jam who surprised me with a slice of cake from Red Ribbon. Thanks to Jam for the cake 😀 . I felt I had a sugar rush after that one. Hehe. Then, we watched Premonition and I’m going to write about it later. I met up with Kat and Josh afterwards and had a drinking slash bonding session with them after the longest time.
I’ve just turned 25. Argh! I’m one year older… again! Anyway, I’d also like to thank Rain, Pattoys (my sister’s bestfriend), Jared and my Dad for greeting me. 😀
So I’m a year older and all I can say is that life rocks. Thanks to Kuya Jess for without him I wouldn’t have had the strength to overcome the trials in this world.
Basta ikaw Lord, Mahal kita!
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