I didn’t know that there was the Bloggies and it is on its fifth year already. I’ve also learned that the Bloggie finalists would be able to join the Webby Awards for free! This means that they could save up to 195 dollars! What an amazing offer!
The categories for the 2005 Bloggies are the following:
- Best Meme
- Best Article or Essay About Weblogs
- Best Web Application for Weblogs
- Best Australian or New Zealand Weblog
- Best Asian Weblog
- Best African or Middle Eastern Weblog
- Best European Weblog
- Best British or Irish Weblog
- Best Latin American Weblog
- Best Canadian Weblog
- Best American Weblog
- Best Tagline of a Weblog
- Best Photography of a Weblog
- Best Non-Weblog Content of a Weblog Site
- Best Food Weblog
- Best Entertainment Weblog
- Best Web Development Weblog
- Best Computers or Technology Weblog
- Best Topical Weblog
- Best GLBT Weblog
- Most Humorous Weblog
- Best Writing of a Weblog
- Best Group Weblog
- Best Community Weblog
- Best-Designed Weblog
- Best-Kept-Secret Weblog
- Best New Weblog
- Lifetime Achievement
- Weblog of the Year
There are a lot of categories. I think that HaloScan Commenting System should win the Bloggies. Before, Blogger didn’t have a commenting system. Thus, we used other commenting systems. I am using YACCS since I started blogging. I was even thinking of shifting from Blogger to WordPress for some reason.
For the Best Asian Weblog, it’s unfortunate that there is no single Filipino in the finalists for that category. There’s an Indonesian, a Vietnamese, a Chinese, a Singaporean, and a Japanese.
In the Best American Weblogs category, the blog Tequila Mockingbird caught my attention. If you have heard of or you were even able to read the novel To Kill a Mockingbird (written by Harper Lee), you’ll know what I mean.
And I just love the category Best Tag line of a Weblog. My favorite among the finalists are Scaryduck: Not scary, not a duck. That particular tag line is indeed ironic which makes it catchy.
For the Best Humorous Weblog Category, I was able to check out Davezilla. His recent entry will definitely make you nuts so go check it out.
Let’s just wait for 2006 so that we could also join the the next Bloggies.
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