Ways to Promote your Band Online

You have a band, and you play really good music. The problem is, only a few people were exposed to the music. With the internet, you could spread your music easily. 🙂

There are a lot of ways to promote your band online. Here are some list of websites to do that:

1. Yahoo! Groups
This is by far, one of the websites that are widely used by Filipino bands.
– great way to interact with your followers
– you may post your gig schedules in the calendar
– upload photos
– make them updated by posting a message

2. Twitter
If the follower of your Twitter account has enabled SMS updates, it would be great to remind them of your gig schedule for that night. Thus, if they’re around the area, they could simply go there and watch your performance.
– send updates and gig schedules

3. Social Networking Sites
– create a fan profile in Friendster and make use of Friendster apps in sharing your multimedia content
– create a MySpace profile and sign up for a music account, upload music to your page, keep your profile updated by posting a blog or gig schedule, upload photos
– create a FaceBook profile and add a Fan Page, and post your gig schedules, update your discography, add relevant apps for your fan pages
– create a group in Multiply and post gig schedules, upload music and post photos of your band and allow members of the group to post your photos taken during gigs
– create a last.fm profile and upload and stream your music online, promote your events, and even check your real-time airplay stats

4. Blogs
– Create blogs on either WordPress or Blogger.
– blog about your gigs and upcoming gigs
– blog about an upcoming album or a music video
– On WordPress, create a page about your band and your discography

5. YouTube
– upload videos of your live performances
– have your director upload the music videos

There are actually a lot of websites that you can utilize to promote your band online aside from these that I’ve mentioned. Of course, you may create your own website too. 🙂

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