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It has been awhile since I’ve been to Saguijo and I’m glad that me and Sha was able to watch Tanya Markova live. It was quite an experience. If you think that listening to their music is fun, it’s better to watch them live.
All of them, are wearing their respective costumes. They may not have a uniform but it’s the face make up that they have is what’s common with all of them.
Roadie Fernandez
That night, they played Disney, Roadie Fernandez, Linda Blair, Bampira, and Picture Picture.
Linda Blair
Anyway, I was not able to take photos that night because I forgot to charge my dSLR. 🙁 Fortunately, I have my Lumix FZ35 with me. I just decided to take videos of them since I will really have a hard time taking decent photos of them.
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