To Bora or not to Bora?
That is the question.
Pardon me for my Shakespearean mode of conversation and be thankful that you’ll never read Old English words here because if you do, you might think that I’m speaking Latin again. Dad planned their company outing some time in May and it will be in the wonderful island of Boracay…
…when I was twelve years old that is. And if you didn’t get it, I’d call it the wonderful island of Boracay if it is 1995.
I don’t know why there are a lot of people that are so into Boracay as if they have lived there all there life and called it Bora for short. Boracay right now, is so much incomparable with Boracay before. I’ve been there twice already. The first one is when I was twelve years old and the most recent one was when I was 17 years of age. And the 5-year gap alone would already tell the big difference of the then and the now.
The then. No UFO’s (unidentied floating objects). Makes you forget urban living.
The now. Urban living in a beach setting. A not-so-white sand.
And having gone to Boracay already, I’d rather go somewhere else. I’d want to go to some place that I haven’t been to like in Palawan or in Pearl Farm at Davao. Or maybe in La Union. Well, the place that I’m looking forward to go to would not necessarily be described as a place where there’s white construction sand, coconut trees, and over-priced softdrinks. That place could be in Vigan, Ilocos Sur where I’ll just be bringing my camera and be trigger-happy. Or, just drop by at the house of my High School friend and then lie down and stargaze at the rooftop while they’re having their Magic Mic Night.
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