And for the woman’s month, I’ll be watching the play The Vagina Monologues this coming Saturday at UP Diliman with some friends. The Vagina Monologues is a play written by Eve Ensler and it will be staged by Gabriela Youth. In the United States of America, The Vagina Monologues has been part of a nation-wide campaign to stop violence against women. And I guess, the same goes here in the Philippines since it will be shown in the Woman’s Month (the month of March). The last play that I watched at UP Diliman is Komedi where one of my friends is a part of the cast of the said play. Now, it’s high time for me to watch The Vagina Monologues since some of my blockmates way back in college were discussing about it and they really liked the play. They even watched the Tagalog version. Haha!
Can you just imagine how a conservative would take this since they’re not used to saying it and they’re not used to hearing it? Or, they just do not find the Filipino translation for vagina classy-sounding. Haha!
Going back, the cast of characters included in the play are: Angie Ferro, Sonia Velenciano, Frances Makil-Ignacio, Mailes Kanapi, Dolly de Leon, Liza Dino, Leah Abella, Monette Flores and Meryl Soriano. The said play is directed by Tony Mabesa (also the director of Komedi).
The play is actually a fund-raising project. The proceeds will go to the Purple Rose Campaign, an international movement against the sex trafficking of Filipinas and their children.
Here is a listing of the schedule of the play:
Mar. 11, 2005 – 7:00:PM
Mar. 12, 2005 – 3:00:PM
Mar. 13, 2005 – 3:00:PM
The ticket costs 250 bucks but if you are a UP student, you’ll get one minus 50 bucks from the regular price.
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