The Fly


Nah! It’s not just a teeny weeny fly. It is a big fly. In the vernacular, it is called as a bangaw. The sight of them makes me want to say eew in my mind. They’re dirty. They have a close encounter with the feces and some rubbish too. Certainly, you do not want to see such creatures on your food. Apparently, my officemate just had this experience after buying her lunch in one of the Jollijeeps along Rada St. After opening the styrofor, she discovered one large fly in it.

Hmmm, I just wonder if this is just an isolated case or not? Because if this is not an isolated case, I guess they would certainly run out of business. My other theory is that the flies (if they don’t know that it’s a fly) is sort of tasty. 😀 Hahaha!

I just hope that someone from DOH would inspect those Jollijeeps to check if they have proper sanitation. Instances like such only happen if the place does not have proper sanitation.

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