Last Wednesday, we attended the launch of the Havaianas exhibit at Powerplant mall and also the lauch of RockEd Philippines’ Original Project Grant. Iya Villania and Mo Twister were the hosts for the event. Upon arriving the event, we were told that we should have our pictures taken on the wall setup at the North Court of the Powerplant mall in Rockwell. We never had an idea at first that each photo posted on the wall will be of big help to the Original Project Grant of Roc Ed. Each photo posted there is equivalent to a pledge worth 470 pesos.
During the event, Noel Cabangon and his percussionist performed some songs. It was my first time to see him play live but I never got to hear him play live some of his original songs.
We were also able to check out the exhibit wherein you will learn about the history of Havaianas. Plus, you’ll also get to see the giant slipper on display. 😀
About RockEd’s Original Project Grant
RockEd is in search for the best original project that involves the youth and targets the youth as well. So, if you have an idea, you just have to send it to myideas [at] on or before April 4, 2009. Before sending in your ideas, be sure to include the following:
– complete name/s of the senders
– age/s of senders
– email addresses
– address of project representative
– telephone number and mobile number of the project representative
And also, please use this format:
a. Project Title (title of your project)
b. Objective (the goal of your project)
c. Project Team (information about the team and why are you joining)
d. Beneficiary (who will benefit from your project)
e. Mechanics (how will you go about the project? where it will be implemented?)
f. Budget (detailed report on how you intend to distribute the grant money)
g. Extra info we need to know about your team.
All projects will be posted on for online voting which will end on April 17, 2009. There will be three categories for the Original Project Grant: High School (13-17 yrs. old), College (17-21 yrs. old), and Professional (21 yrs. old and above). A total of 9 projects will be chosen (3 projects per category) and the minimum amount of grants to be awarded are: 8,000 Pesos for High School, 10,000 Pesos for College and 15,000 Pesos for Professional.
The selection of the grants will be based on the originality of the idea (25 percent), social relevance (25 percent), impact on intended beneficiary (25 percent), and the votes garnered on multiply site (25 percent). Project entries will be evaluated by Anne Gonzalez of Terry Sa/Havaianas and Gang Badoy of RockEd Philippines.
Winners and awarding event details will be posted on their multiply site and winners will be notified by phone call and email. In addition, winners should be present physically on the awarding and must present two valid IDs. The winners should also agree to the implementation guidelines of RockEd, which includes the liquidation of the grant fund with official receipts, and vouchers. Also, winners should be able to document the project with photos and or videos.
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