Professional Bum no more

After 3 months or so after I walked on the stage at PICC to get the paper rolled with a green ribbon, I finally have a job. Someone from the HR of the company that I have applied to called me last Friday around 2pm and that was after having my rounds at the Job Expo at DLSU, filling up application forms and attaching my resumes with it. However, it just occured to me that last Friday was gonna be my day. I just don’t know but I had this certain instinct that it was going to be my lucky day. And indeed she brought good news. I felt so fulfilled after months of applying, taking examinations, and interviews as well.

I called back this morning to take note of the requirements and she said that the contract signing will be tomorrow. On February 10, I’ll be starting on my job. Hehe!

When I knew that I’ll be starting this Thursday, I was not expecting that it was going to be that fast. After the contract signing, I’ll be an official member of the Corporate Slaves Association of the Philippines – Paranaque Chapter.

Also, do not expect that I’ll be posting here some work-related entries. Maybe I could post here about the new friends that I’ll be having in my work.

In case you’re interested on the nature of my job, it’s somewhat related to my course but it’s more of an IE-related work.

That’s all for now, have to complete my requirements. Hehe!

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