Paramita Listers’ Night Aftershock

It’s good to go to gigs once in a while since I’ve been missing a lot of them. And the best way to celebrate April Fools Day is by not staying at home and do some prank calls but rather by going to a gig and have laugh trip sessions with friends. Before even arriving at the 6 Underground, I saw Beng walking along Paseo de Roxas while I was approaching the intersection of Legaspi and Paseo de Roxas. I was surprised by his new look sporting his mohawk. We walked our way towards C. Palanca St. and found some fellow early birds (Rowi and I cannot remember her name) who also happen to be part of the Paramita Mailing list. After some time, Ria, Ja and Cess arrived. Upon their arrival, we went inside 6 Underground and prepared some stuff for the gig. It was like a deja vu. Something like Deadpan Society days.

Then after some preparations we went outside and saw Tingtang and Rachelle with their friends. After that, I stayed outside the bar while waiting for the gig to start. As soon as I heard Up Dharma Down doing their soundcheck, I went inside the bar and stayed in the front so that I could take pictures without having to use the zoom function that much. Armi (vocalist and keyboardist of Up Dharma Down) has never failed to send chills to my spine everytime she plays the keyboards. It’s like I’m in a dream but not.

After the set of Up Dharma Down, the hosts (Yey and Beng) gave away some shirts and pins as well. By the way, there are new Paramita shirts available at Branded and it was designed by Bernie. Also, Tani are selling shirts (his original concept) for 180 bucks only. Going back, Dicta License performed after UDD. Then, Jorel (of Happy Meals and Kjwan) jammed in one of their songs and played the tambourine. I really had a hard time taking a picture of their vocalist but nevertheless I was able to manage to take his picture.

After their set, I was able to see Cherry Cornflakes performed for the first time. Their guitarist (Marco) plays kick-ass guitar. And when I say kick-ass, I mean it. Just look at the photo below and you will know what I mean. I wonder how he could do it with his aviator glasses on. Hmmm…

Then, after their set, Paramita had a full set and they played nine songs. Paramita rocked the crowd with Hiling (number 3 in the year-end countdown of NU107) as they sang as the band performed. And the best surprise for us that night is their new song Paglisan. Surely, Ria Bautista had a lot of energy that night playing 9 songs and singing too. It is¬ indeed hard to be a vocalist and to be a drummer at the same time. Check out more of the pics at my Multiply account.

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