I was at the In the Raw event of NU107 at Saguijo last night. I went there with John and Sha without my camera. Sometimes, I would just like to go to a gig and drink and enjoy the music. The line up last night includes Traumaligno, Paraluman, Ursa Minor and Queso. I’m not pretty sure though if it was Paraluman or Ursa Minor was the band that we were able to watch aside from Queso. We missed the two bands.
John joined the beer drinking contest. And he won! 😀 Haha! He won probably because he was already half-way in finishing his Red Horse beer. Haha. I’m not sure though if the hosts have noticed it or they just ignored it. Anyway, he took home a bag courtesy of Red Horse.
Then, Bels was also there at Saguijo last night. She’s one of my friends that I haven’t seen for a very long time. Hehe. She introduced me to Traumaligno. 🙂 Thanks for the EP by the way. 😀
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