I just watched the advanced screening of Night at the Museum and it’s the kind of movie that you should watch when you feel like laughing your heart out. This movie is about a newly hired security guard at the Museum of Natural History who discovers that everything in display comes to life. This is caused by an ancient Egyptian curse held by a golden tablet. Maybe it is just one of those movies where the main man saves the day however, this film makes it suitable to be watched by kids because of the lessons that may be learned from this film.
Slapstick comedy
The film is quite filled with slapstick comedy. Ben Stiller was being slapped by the monkey. The monkey then pees on him. In another scene, they both slap alternately. In one scene, Ben was held hostage by the miniature cowboys. Then, Octavius and his army threw balls of fire on him.
Gibberish talk
In one scene, there’s Attila the Hun speaking his language. Then, Larry (portrayed by Ben) makes this gibberish talk. It’s as if they understand each other. 😀
Something Ironic
If you think that a skeletal system of a T-rex would kill Larry after seeing that trailer, think again. All the t-rex wanted was to play catch. :p After Larry’s first night at the museum, the director talked to him if he has something to do with a Roman soldier held hostage by the cowboys. 😀 Of course, that happened on his first night there. Hehehe.
Bad Publicity is still Publicity
While Larry and the director of the museum was watching the news on TV, footages of cave men having a little fun with fire, footprints of T-Rex and cave men drawings on the walls of a subway were shown. Of course, he was about to be fired but then, a lot of people started to come inside the museum. And so, bad publicity is still publicity. :p That’s what you call effortless marketing. 😀
Laughing Trip Stuff: 4 out of 5
Usual Hero-Villain plot: 5 out of 5
Casting: 4 out of 5
Overall rating: 4 out of 5
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