[Update] – MixWit is Dead.
Heard of MixWit? I just heard of it in this TechCrunch blog post. MixWit allows you to create custom music playlists by searching for an artist or a title of a song (search is powered by SeeqPod) and then you drag the songs to an area. What’s good about it is that it determines if the audio you dragged is not available anymore. 😀 Aside from the built-in music search, you could simply add tracks by adding the URL of the mp3 file. 🙂
After finalizing the songs in your “mix tape”, you could put a custom text on it and as well as an image. After publishing it, you could do a quick post at the following websites:
1. MySpace
2. FaceBook
3. Friendster
4. Blogger
5. LiveJournal
6. Hi5
7. Bebo
8. Orkut
9. iGoogle
10. Multiply
11. WordPress
12. and a lot more
Or, you could just copy a code and paste it where you want the mix tape to appear. 🙂
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