I just tested the LightScribe technology using the DVD burner in my laptop and it has let me experienced a new way of labeling discs. 😀 The labels are laser-etched and not printed. Thus, the label won’t get smudged or peeled off.
However, using the LightScribe technology (using your burner of course) is not economical if you plan to mass produce. To be able to print labels on your CD using this technology, you must have a LightScribe compatible media. I bought an Imation LightScribe compatible media earlier at PC Corner in Park Square. Each disc costs 100 bucks. I haven’t checked though if CD-R King already offers this kind of medium.
In addition, it does not offer colored laser etching. As of now, it only has grayscale laser etching. Nevertheless, I love the result of my LightScribe test. 🙂
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