Can I just say Eeew-VAT instead of E-VAT? By just saying E-VAT and or even by just hearing makes me sick. Its as if I said a name that should not be told. I just felt its implication when I bought some blank CD-Rs at CD-R king and a double disc case for backing up some files here at home. Before, they do not have the additional 10 percent of the price. Now, they have implemented it already. Next year, it will be up by 12 percent. They’re saying that the implications of this ugh, E-VAT are very good and the effects are for long-term. It’s just another one of those mumbo-jumbo-their-pocket schemes instead of a the-country-will-benefit-scheme. What they should do is to be efficient in their tax collection from the ala Houdini tax-evading citizens and to keep away from being hypnotized by greed and power so as to be sure that our taxes really go back to us and also to those we are indebted to. Hell month has just started. What’s next? A 100-degree higher hell month? I hope not.
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