The album launch held at Eastwood last Friday was not really the typical album launch where you will get to watch them play all the songs in their album “Sweetheart Snackbar”. However, from the album launches that I was able to attend, Duster’s was unique. This is because it was not only the launch of Duster’s new album, but also the launch of Rock Ed Philippines’ Girl Code Project.
Who is Duster
Duster is composed of Katwo Puertollano (vocals), Myrene Academia (synths), Kris Gorra-Dancel (guitars) and Ristalle Bautista (drums). They’re like Pedicab’s female version except that they don’t have a female counterpart of RA Rivera.
Sweetheart Snackbar
“Sweetheart Snackbar” is Duster’s first album. Prior to the album launch, the music video of “Dek a Doodle Dandy” (the album’s first single) was already showing where RA Rivera (of Pedicab) is the director. The album was released last February 2 (contains 14 tracks and it costs 285 pesos).
Dek a Doodle Dandy Music Video
For Plurk users, watch their music video carefully and you’ll see “Plurk” there. 😀
Did anyone wear a duster and some rollers?
No one did except for Gang (yes, she wore a duster) who did it for a few minutes. I was able to take a photo of it but I’m not gonna post it. 😀
Other bands that performed in the launch are: Gasolina (band based in Cagayan de Oro City), Mozzie, and Playphonics. By the way, Buddy Zabala’s daughter, Veda, also played the violin that night. 🙂
Girl Code Project
Body Shop donated 83,333 pesos to The Girl Code Project. 🙂 The Girl Code project is Rock Ed’s alternative education project for the Pinay Dalagita.
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