Casino Royale is not your typical James Bond movie where you will expect more gadgets and more ladies for that matter. This is based on Ian Fleming’s first James Bond novel. In this film, Agent 007’s first mission is to stop a banker from winning a casino tournament and use the prize money for funding terrorist activities. After Pierce Brosnan, let’s welcome Daniel Craig (British) as the new James Bond. The first 20 minutes of the film will surely give you an adrenaline rush. You might not want to blink in this particular scene because you might miss something that would make you realize how smart Bond is.
I was wondering why some do not get to appreciate this film. I thought it’s all about the missing high tech stuff like some have told me. However, I saw some high tech stuff there too like the advanced GIS application. When I tried looking at James Bond a little closer, I have finally realized why some are disappointed. I realized that they expected too much after Pierce Brosnan. However, according to an article, he is much closer to Ian Fleming’s physical description of James Bond.
No American has become a James Bond actor. James Bond is British and of course, he has to sound British for that matter.
Adrenaline Rush Factor: 4 out of 5
Casting: 3 out of 5
Overall Rating: 3 out of 5
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