Just this afternoon, I was able to watch the movie Before Sunset which stars Ethan Hawke as Jesse and Julie Delpy as Celine, and directed by Richard Linklater. Both Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy are Co-writers of this film. Before Sunset is a sequel to the movie Before Sunrise (1995).
Some Spoilers
Mainly, the movie revolves around the two characters where 9 years ago, they were supposed to meet up in Vienna, and apparently, the girl didn’t show up. After that, they found each others path again at the final stop of Jesse’s book tour in Paris. Then, they were having a conversation while walking to a certain coffee shop and their topic is the usual what’s-new-type. Then they walked towards the park while having conversations. Then, Jesse asked why the Celine didn’t show up at Vienna. Celine said that her grandmother died. After that, Jesse asked her,
“What if your grandmother died a week before or after the day we’re supposed to meet?”
That particular question relevant is indeed to the ones who have also asked the question “What happened to the one that got away?”
Then, Celine suggested to go back at the bookshop because he has to be by the airport at around 7pm. As they passed by a certain port, Jesse suggested to ride at the ferry and asked Celine if she has a cellphone. Jesse then borrowed it and asked his driver to pick him up at the next port. They were having conversations again, something pertaining to what happened between those 9 years. They had a certain look on their faces telling that “I was there too and we could have bumped in to each other”. Imagine, one of those instances was that on the day of Jesse’s wedding, he thought he saw Celine.
Okay, enough of story telling because I do not want to spoil the ending. I do not want to say if Jesse left for Paris or not. Haha!
The movie is very simple, no special effects, and only focused on the two main characters. It is not the typical love story where there has to be lovemaking and some kissing scenes as well. It is somewhat realistic in its sense because that kind of shit (pardon for the word) happens such that someone you love marries another person, someone marries because he got the girl pregnant and that someone is not happy with his life even though he became successful in his chosen field.
However, I find it odd that Celine, as an environmentalist, is smoking. She could have thought about that she contributes to the Global Warming.
In addition, Paris is indeed the perfect setting because it instantly sets the romantic mood.
Screenplay: 5 out of 5
Story: 5 out of 5
Dialogues: 5 out of 5
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