Back from Vacation with a growing wisdom tooth

In the span of my vacation at Tablas Island, Romblon with Sha, Vieve and Ivan, I took Alaxan Forte to relieve the pain. I was only able to eat pancit, soup and others that needs little effort to be able to chew, swallow and digest. As soon as I arrived at home yesterday, I went to the dentist to have it checked up. Then, I have to take medication an hour prior to the operation (impaction). Afterwards, my cousin accompanied me to the dentist for my operation. It was a bloody operation really but it was not really that painful. I guess this is because that the left side of my lips, gums and cheeks were numb. After the operation, I bought some pain relievers and ice cream. 😀

I was not able to eat after the operation simply because I did not feel hungry at all. I was just drinking water. I started to work a bit and then, I just slept to rest.

Anyway, about my Romblon trip. I’ll be blogging about it and watch out for the pictures. 🙂

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